Monday, July 18, 2011

7-16-11: Swinging Bridge: The Surroundings; Water Strider; Tiger Swallowtail; Big Muddy Snapping Turtle


Lynne2 said...

what a special place! I hope you can take me there someday!

hedgie said...

So pretty---serene and pastoral. What kind of turtle is that?? How big was it??

magpie said...

The turtle: Big Snappy that a couple of Good Samaritans pulled off the road and put into the underbrush...big as the one at Patuxuent River Park in April 2009 -
probably 2 1/2 feet including tail !

wvgal_dana said...

The tiger swallow is beautiful. I see the snapper you spoke about. Boy you should be happy their are still good people in this world that love WILDLIFE....or you would have been flattened in the road. So happy you wasn't!!!